Illustration, Graphic Storytelling & Book Design based in Berlin, Germany
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Das Eisenbahngleichnis
Das Eisenbahngleichnis
Das Eisenbahngleichnis
Das Eisenbahngleichnis
Das Eisenbahngleichnis

These illustrations were created during the “Future Lab” workshop, mentored by Berlin based illustrator Nele Brönner.

Six young illustrators from Russia, Austria and Germany took part. “Future Lab” was held for one week in the German town of Buckow, during the “3rd International Brandenburg Picture Book Festival”.

The series of illustrations is loosely based on reading the 1929 poem “Das Eisenbahngleichnis” by German author Erich Kästner. You can read the poem (in German) here.

Besides the workshop, there were numerous other events, such as book readings, Illustration workshops for children, an exhibition event held in the Stadtpfarrkirche Müncheberg, Family Festival Day and Final Exhibition at Kleistforum, Frankfurt (Oder), and finally a Live Drawing Concert in Slubice, Poland. The festival featured international children’s books artist such as Regina Kehn (D), Stas Azarov (RUS), Ieva Babilaitė (LIT), Aljoscha Blau (D), Tomek Kozlowksi (PL), Studio Agrafka (UKR) and David Böhm (CZ).